Before you read this I would like to stress that this is another Brexit blog post where you hope to read something amazing and insightful, well don’t get too excited.
If you haven’t switched to another blog post yet and you are still reading this, then I genuinely feel my thoughts here are just plain common sense.

Like most people I am feeling a little frustrated with the Deal, No-Deal, Brexit, No-Brexit farce that we have on our hands at the moment. The simple fact is that the people of this country voted to leave the EU and we must abide by that ruling even if I think it was a daft decision, however we are here now so let’s get on with it.
Business leaders must prepare for the worst case scenario, although I really don’t think it will be as bad as predicted.
As the 31stof October is fast approaching or ‘doomsday’ as some people call it, Many organisations don’t realise that their cloud services might not be based in the UK, and that could expose them to risk. Before it is too late I ask that you take a good luck at your current environment and be clear on where it is located, especially when working in several availability zones.
I predict a …….
So the economists predict that the economy will take a bit of a bashing and businesses will use this as an excuse not to invest, however with the option of XaaS (anything as a service) this is the perfect time to address the legacy business processes your organisation lives with.
Over the last 12 months we have seen a steep rise in businesses moving production environments to the cloud, while decommissioning the existing estate and working with us on buy backs of the old kit to fund the adoption program.
Like many Brexit posts you will have read this one offers no real insight into what is going to happen but just some gentle advice to check your existing clouds and if you want to adopt a cloud 1ststrategy we can help and give you money for your old kit to fund the whole thing.
Don’t forget to read the up and coming blogs for more no-deal Brexit kafuffle.
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