Many businesses in various industries will be finding the recovery from Covid tough. With this in mind the I am proud that my team at Simoda have designed initiatives that will help reduce the cost of becoming operational again.

In communications with our customers we know that two main factors are driving technology decisions in the short term.
1, Cost savings
Why spend money when you don't have to, I know I sound like a stereo typical Yorkshire man but this is exactly what we are hearing right now. Our solutions help businesses grow, develop & reach new markets but right now is time to help our customers save money on the operation of their business.
2, Drive efficiencies
Technology has the capability to drive change and it has been proven during the pandemic. Now is a perfect time to take stock and look at your technology estate and see where you can drive efficiencies as well as cutting costs.
I want to highlight a service that has been successful for us so far. Our FREE business technology review looks at your business applications, systems, services & communications and helps you spot potential issues or areas for concern. We also give you a whistle stop tour of the SimodaCloud partner portal where we give you access to over 150 + cloud service providers at your fingertips.
Save money and sweat your assets
Free business technology review
If you want to know more just get in touch and we can chat about how we can help you.