Big data analytics & business intelligence is not a new thing, however we are now seeing the evolution of data across even the micro businesses.
Take myself for example, as well as driving Simoda I am part owner of two independent record labels along with a friend who lives in Ibiza, ok yes I have drawn the short straw here by living in good old blighty, however I do reside in gods own country YORKSHIRE, Sheffield to be exact the home of premier league Sheffield United (that feels good saying that after years of pain)

Anyway back to my point we use data intelligence to track the locations of DJ’s who download, play the labels tracks & sync activities to cloud devices such as dropbox, we also link this into social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook & Instagram to see which tracks or artists have had the best impact.
Now lots of businesses have been thinking about data intelligence for a long time but the whole world of tools, providers and services available it is be a minefield and lots of businesses feel they have to then employ data analysts or data scientists (only real difference here is the salary costs) to ensure they get value from the data and in order to make business decisions.
Over the years of working with businesses big and small on the value of their data I have seen that the successful businesses follow a clear process, something I call the data intelligence journey.
This is a 7 step process which until now was a combination of multiple vendor products, solutions & services.
The 7 stages of data intelligence
1. Discover & connect to the data
2. Store the data
3. Clean the data
4. View the data
5. Share & collaborate
6. Predictive AI & ML
7. Integrate the data with other platforms
I believe by following the data intelligence journey the results will come faster and that obviously ties in with the Simoda strategy
One solution to manage, single source of truth
Secure cloud based architecture, open platform for integration
Real time analytics with granular detail
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Or if you want to know more about the music stuff including demos & bookings contact