When you decide to take the leap of faith and use another supplier / partner for the first time do you ask what is important to them ?

I encourage this conversation early in any new customer engagement because it is something we feel is critically important to the long term relationship.
The last thing you want as a business leader or IT team is your supplier being a nightmare to work with. I don't think you would be surprised at how many relationships come to an end because of the complexities of engagement, however the excuse would more than likely be 'you are too expensive' rather than I don't like working with you.
Being easy to work with can seem like a throw away statement but it is something we take pride in.
We defined our values because they are actions but deep in the core of our business are what I call non negotiable company values such as Integrity, Trust, Professionalism.
All about clarity
Having a clear vision, a clear strategy and a clear process is also very important. We share our plans, strategy & process with anyone we engage in business with, we feel it is the cornerstone of the worlds greatest companies.
We believe in our process and so do our customers.

Simplify Modernise Accelerate
Daniel 'A very proud MD'