Now I am all for stats and figures, which is a good thing because the world we live in today, everything has a stat, even our football teams are just human stats running around a football pitch and you can’t watch TV without seeing an advert claiming that 85% of women (or men) agree with the antiwrinkle powers of a magic cream.

Anyway we digress
In the digital transformation engagements I have had with businesses over the last few years each one has very similar challenges, ones that most progressive businesses have.
· How do we embrace cloud
· Which cloud
· Should I move to a SaaS model
· Is my business secure
· How can I protect my assets & data
· How can we make it simple & uncomplicated
Now I am now going to add a stat into this blog post (sorry)
In a recent survey of IT executives 72% blame legacy access management tools for slowing down the digital transformation process.
Honestly not a very interesting stat but it did get me thinking about why this is the case.
Today’s top access management challenges
Balancing usability with security
· Growing businesses are a prime target and defenders are challenged to guard at scale.
Fragmentation & complexity
· Complex and disparate Access Management systems slow operations and drain resources.
Digital transformation bottleneck
· Digital transformation and business agility are throttled by technical limitations.
Limited cloud visibility & control
· IAM ops bound to on-prem systems, exacerbating Shadow IT and creating the “Cloud Wild West”.

The fragmented access model
Active Directory has been a settled part of most businesses IT estate and to the IT teams who manage AD they don’t really want to change it, because as I have been told on many occasions ‘It works’
Question here is that if you were to design an access management platform today, for the business challenges we see now you wouldn’t design AD.
Businesses moving towards digital transformation have multiple challenges and struggle because of what I call the fragmented access model.
· Complex app environments
· Multiple directories & user identities
· User device proliferation
· User & resource geographic locations
· Compliance & reporting challenges
If you are facing these challenges we can help.
First step is a chat to see where you are on the journey and then let’s see if we can:
Simplify, Modernise &Accelerate your transformation.
Drop me a line on