During our time in business I am very proud to say that Simoda have been heavily involved in the healthcare sector, helping the NHS deliver a rapid response to the covid pandemic & providing access to video services in care homes so that residents can still keep in touch with their loved ones.

With our drive to deliver technology solutions to the healthcare sector in the UK I regular keep an eye out for good technology / solution focused content which fits the strategic objectives of our customers and this recent article by HPE's Enterprise Healthcare Chief Technologist Steve Cotham is great.

Simoda believe the value that HPE's GreenLake IT capacity as a service model delivers is perfect for most UK organisations and this definitely rings true in the Healthcare sector.
Hewlett Packard says public cloud data egress charges and security concerns are driving health care providers to adopt HPE GreenLake. Here are five reasons Cotham says GreenLake is a hit with health care customers.
Data egress charges for public cloud are among the factors driving increased momentum for Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s GreenLake on-premises pay-per-use cloud services, said HPE Healthcare Chief Technologist Steve Cotham.
“With HPE GreenLake we have an opportunity to help our customers manage down costs and risks,” said Cotham. “Customers are looking for IT that is always on, scalable, secure and delivered in a consumption-based offering. With HPE GreenLake we are able to deliver in each one of those areas. We give customers the cloud experience on-premises, while at the same time providing the ability to manage multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments whether that is on-premises, private cloud, colocation, public or any combination of that.”
In some cases, customers that moved to public cloud are looking to pull some workloads back because of the high cost of public cloud, said Cotham.
A recent HPE survey of health care IT decision makers found that 58 percent cited data egress costs—charges associated with moving data out of the public cloud—as one of the most essential factors in deciding where to store data.
What’s more, 72 percent of IT health care decision makers cited IT security as their primary concern for moving all of their organization’s data to the public cloud. “It doesn’t matter what the solution is that is on the table, security is part of that conversation,” said Cotham. “At HPE our solutions are wrapped in security.”
Here are five reasons Cotham says HPE GreenLake is a hit with health care customers.
1. HPE’s Focus On Security

Ransomware was rampant throughout the pandemic. Coming out of the pandemic it is a clear focus. It is top of mind for all customers in every case. It doesn’t matter what the solution is that is on the table, security is part of that conversation. At HPE our solutions are wrapped in security.
Customers are looking for security from us. That goes across our portfolio, whether that is compute, storage or networking. It is very relevant today. Health care providers are looking to technology to help solve some of the security challenges.
With our Silicon Root of Trust, we are securing the firmware layer preventing intrusion or hacks within our compute solutions. Our HPE Aruba platform has secure access with Clearpass. We have end to end security. All of our solutions are wrapped with those security capabilities.
2. HPE VDI Solutions Powering Telehealth Solutions

Through the pandemic the opportunity for us to help our customers wind up virtual desktop infrastructure deployments went up exponentially. We had some customers that had VDI implementations in place that we had to help them scale. Some didn’t have VDI deployed at all.
The VDI implementations are increasing. There are some customers that leaned on HPE to help them put in place VDI technology they didn’t have in place. What we did was help those customers deliver the secure patient record at point of care, wherever that is. With telehealth, we are seeing that point of care being moved outside of the four walls of the hospital.
3. Public Cloud Data Egress Costs Are Helping Drive GreenLake Health Care Wins

Cost is a high concern for customers. With HPE GreenLake, we have an opportunity to help our customers manage down costs and risks. Customers are looking for IT that is always on, scalable, secure and delivered in a consumption-based offering. With HPE GreenLake, we are able to deliver in each one of those areas. We give customers the cloud experience on-premises, while at the same time providing the ability to manage multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments, whether that is on-premises, private cloud, colocation, public or any combination of that.
It is compelling when you see customers that have moved certain workloads to public cloud and are now looking to move them back. Many of the workloads that we see running in the health care provider space, including clinical applications, some are cloud-ready and some are not for latency reasons. [Service Level Agreements] that have to be maintained, time to first image, some of those workloads just aren’t ready for a public cloud environment. In some cases, we are seeing customers that are looking to pull workloads back from hosted environments, whether that is public cloud or other hosted environments.
4. Tight Integration With Health Care Provider Applications, Including Epic Systems

The work that my team has done to develop the Epic platform-as-a-service offering is a big differentiator for us. It’s unique and differentiated. It is not only GreenLake infrastructure as a service; it is a platform as a service. We are delivering up the stack and bringing to our customers the Epic-certified resource to manage those environments. It is very relevant. That Epic pipeline continues to grow. It is growing rapidly. We have some near-term opportunities that we are actively engaged on. We are working on those. And I expect those to grow into next year as well.
Beyond Epic, there are other areas of focus for us including medical imaging. My team works with the industry’s leading medical imaging software vendors.
We are also working diligently to grow our health care AI practice. There are opportunities around drug discovery, genomics and precision medicine. We have already begun some development efforts in those areas and have identified software vendors we will be working with this year.
5. Pay-As-You-Consume Is Resonating With Customers

My team leans in and is leading with GreenLake in every case. If it’s a non-GreenLake deal, we are looking to see if there is an opportunity to help our customers with GreenLake in those instances.
The opportunity is with GreenLake. Our customers are looking to preserve capital in almost every case. So GreenLake is resonating. Paying only for the IT that you consume is a message that is resonating. What we are doing is delivering a cloud experience in their IT environment. As far as health care is concerned, we are leaning in and leading with GreenLake in every single case. GreenLake is always top of mind for me as I am building out my team.
HPE's GreenLake offering is a perfect fit for healthcare and the team here at Simoda can help you on that journey to IT capacity as a service with a FREE infrastructure investment service.
For more info see our infrastructure solutions page here
or contact me for a chat on how we can help you achieve infrastructure success.
Thanks for reading
Lee Wragg
0114 553 3600