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2019 state of disruption (Part One)

Writer: Daniel BumbyDaniel Bumby

For those that know me and read my blogs will know that I find technology innovation & disruption very interesting. I think it comes from growing up watching & enjoying the TV program tomorrows world, I was always fascinated by what was predicted to be the next big thing that will change our lives.

Right then lets get onto the topic of disruption in 2019, for this Im going to run through some of the headlines from the 2019 State of disruption report that you can download from our website downloads page, if I were a guest on the Jonathan Ross show I would be holding a copy up to the camera now.

Ok here goes, the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, famously said, “The only constant in life is change.” In 2017, noted futurist and entrepreneur Peter Diamandis amended that statement for our times: “The only constant is change, and the rate of change is increasing.”

In an enterprise climate where disruption is the norm, businesses live or die by their ability to meet constantly evolving conditions. Those that stay ahead of change — that anticipate it, evolve with it, and even help facilitate it — experience lasting success.

Those that fail to adapt don’t stay afloat.

In recent years, we’ve seen longstanding retail chains crushed by ecommerce, traditional booksellers dominated by Amazon, and successful entertainment companies sunk by streaming.

In short: Transform or die.

But what does the imperative to transform mean for enterprise tech decision making?

And what does the rate of technology change look like across industries and company sizes?

Trusted advisors are driving disruption response

We found that the overwhelming majority of companies — 82 percent — work with trusted advisors to help make and execute technology decisions.

Across industries, enterprises rely on the advice of partners like us to act as trusted advisors primarily for the consumption of cloud-based compute services.

However, industry plays a role in determining the other areas in which trusted advisors are used.

Manufacturers, financial services providers and retailers, for instance, are more likely to use trusted advisors for managed security services, whereas healthcare/medical organisations prioritise trusted advisors for data network infrastructure and SaaS application services.

Of the many companies that use Simoda as trusted advisors, there’s no ambiguity about the efficacy of these external resources. Enterprises that work with us report markedly higher levels of confidence in their companies’ ability to innovate.

Top 5 areas in which trusted advisors are used

71% Cloud-based compute services

59% Cloud-based managed cyber security

55% Data network infrastructure

51% SaaS application services

41% Communications & collaboration services

In summary disruption is all around us and working with a trusted advisor, Simoda obviously will help you deliver the results you need to keep competitive.

Keep a look out for the 2019 state of disruption blog post part two where I will talk about RDI (rate of disruption index) and what it means to you.

Fancy a chat about disruption, innovation, adopting opex or the strategy around Chris Wilders overlapping centre backs just drop me a line (this will feature on a future blog if you are interested, perhaps I should invite a few of the media to have a read)



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